Permitting speaking in tongues.
To use Wagner's own terminology, a church, with or without a healing ministry, which forbids the use of tongues, is already somewhat sick!
Instead of dealing with the root of the issue - people's sinful reactions to the unknown or unfamiliar - those who follow this median approach, and even more so those who deny the gift completely, cut people off from one of the important resources that God has provided to help them live and grow. Then we wonder why so many Christians are lukewarm in their relationship to Jesus! This action of the leaders is itself often based on fear, either of the gift, or of the giver, or of the effect its use might have. Fear is hardly a godly response from which to make a decision, now is it a very good qualification for leadership.
Jack Hayford's book, The Beauty Of Spiritual Language, is a delight with it's emphasis on the glorious nature of this God given way for a believer to participate directly in the worship of heaven around the throne of the Lamb. Speaking in tongues is a small foretaste of things to come in the next age!
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