Check out the posts in my blogs
a reasonable mystic
- Praying Hypertext
- Charismatic Mysticism
- Defining Christian Mysticism
- Reason, Mysticism and Christianity - Part 1
- Re: Atheism and Experiencing God
- Atheism and Experiencing God
- My 'Spiritual' Journey - Episode 2
- My 'Spiritual' Journey - Episode 1
- Report on Anazao Conferences
- Welcome to a reasonable mystic
- Theology of Lying
- Prophecy Versus Preaching
- Purifying the Prophetic - Sanctified Psychic Reading
- Tell him he's dreaming!
- Ministry to Children
- Step Out and Prophesy
- Welcome to Listening 2 God blog
- The Law and the Prophets
- Barbers don't exist - irrefutable proof.
- Please, Mr Einstein
- The things you are asked in counselling
- Is prophecy the same as inspired preaching?
- Purpose-Driven?
- Noctaphobia
- Why 'Beth Tephillah'?
- Doppler Shift
- Being Made One
- What we believe
- Top Ten Truths That Shape My Teaching
- Jesus and Walls
- A Vision for the Church
- The perfect pastor
- The words 'charismatic' and 'pentecostal' have passed their use-by dates
- Managed Friendship
- Crossing Over - a word from Rick Joyner
- History of Medicine
- I've just discovered a great website on open theism
- I am greatly enjoying the stimulating lecture series
- If you're wondering how this blog came to be called Mal's Meanderings
- This morning I felt like taking a short break
- "If you write for God you will reach many men and bring them joy"
- In this blog I plan to talk about many things